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Diane Wallman
Mark Hauser
Emily Schwalbe
Douglas Armstrong
Kenneth Kelly
Lennox Honychurch


Wood and other tree byproducts were significant commodities in contexts of early colonial economies, but few archaeological studies focus on these resources. This article presents historical and archaeological evidence of the exploitation of woody resources for the purpose of naval stores and export at the site of La Soye, Dominica, Eastern Caribbean, beginning in the 1580s and continuing until the first quarter of the eighteenth century. This research highlights the importance of wood and woody resources in early colonial encounters and economic relationships, and the role of Indigenous knowledge in facilitating an increasingly complex global economy.


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Cómo citar
Wallman, D., Hauser, M., Schwalbe, E., Armstrong, D., Kelly, K., & Honychurch, L. (2024). Los recursos leñosos como medio en el advenimiento colonial: explicando el registro artístico y arquitectónico en La Soye, Dominica. Revista De Arqueología Americana, (41), 245–270. (Original work published 5 de junio de 2024)
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