Responsibilities and copyright

  • Authors must submit their manuscript in accordance with the Author Guidelines established by Revista Cartográfica.
  • The works sent for publication must be unpublished, that is, the authors of the manuscripts sent to Revista Cartográfica assumes responsability that the work is original, and that it does not contain parts of other authors or other fragments already published.
  • The authors transfer to Revista Cartográfica the communication rights of their manuscript for its dissemination and exploitation through the Open Journal System or any other platform selected by the Editorial Team, for online consultation of its content, printing on paper and/or for downloading and archiving under the terms and conditions specified on the platforms where it is hosted.
  • After the peer review rounds, the authors must incorporate the suggestions or justify their rejection, attaching a response letter to the reviewers explaining the changes to the manuscript, within the established period as requested by the editor.
  • Throughout the editorial process, the authors must incorporate both the formal and substantive corrections requested by the editor.
  • Throughout the editorial process, the authors have the right to withdraw their article from the editorial process, justifying this decision to the editor.
  • After the style review process, the authors have the right to review the latest version of the text before it is published. The approval of this version supposes the closing of the text for its layout and publication, without the possibility of subsequent changes.

Serious breaches of ethics are considered when:

  • Plagiarism is committed, that is, when an author or authors use another work (usually from another author) without permission, credit or acknowledgment. Plagiarism has different forms: from verbatim copying to paraphrasing without reference.

Observation: The first review of the articles includes the use of anti-plagiarism software.

  • An article is simultaneously submitted to more than one journal or publisher. Also in the event that the article contains substantial parts of another already published. When an article is submitted for publication, the author must declare to the editor regarding previous articles or reports that could be considered redundant or duplicate publication of the same work. Any of these publications must be referenced in the new article.
  • Conflict of interest is detected. Conflict of interest occurs when an author (or their institution), peer reviewers, or editors have financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) their actions.
  • Authorship conflicts arise. For example, when there is no agreement on the type of authorship contribution: shared authorship, undeserved authorship, authorship dispute and ghost authorship.

Responsibilities of peer reviewers

The peer reviewers must:

  • Declare conflicts of interest or disabilities
  • Strictly adhere to the journal evaluation process policies
  • Respond to requests and submit reviews on time
  • Conduct a systematic and rigorous evaluation, as expected given their level of expertise
  • Respect the confidentiality of the information associated with the editorial process
  • For more details on the guidelines for peer reviewers, see COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers

Editorial responsibilities (Editorial Team)

  • Guarantee the selection of the most scientifically qualified reviewers and specialists to issue a critical and expert assessment of the work, with the least possible bias.
  • Ensuring transparency of contributions and evaluation and publication processes
  • Guarantee the objective dialogue and the confidentiality of the parties involved in the editorial process. They undertake not to disclose the information related to the articles sent for publication to people other than the authors, reviewers and editors. Anonymity is a formula used to preserve the intellectual integrity of the entire process
  • Respond quickly and respectfully to questions and notifications.
  • Guarantee compliance with international standards of ethics, research and publication in all scientific and editorial processes related to the journal.
  • Must not have any conflict of interest in relation to the articles submitted and must ensure that also the evaluators do not have any conflicts with respect to the research they evaluate.
  • Ensure that the articles published in the Revista Cartográfica meet the ethical criteria for scientific publications set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)not allowing academic fraud, inclusion of fraudulent data or plagiarism or self- plagiarism of articles that represent relevant parts of the contributions. The detection of these practices impliy the immediate rejection or retraction of the article.
  • It undertakes to communicate in time the reception, evaluation, decision and estimation, correction or rejection of the works received in less than 180 days.