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Wendy Romero-Rojas
René Vázquez-Jiménez
Rocío N. Ramos-Bernal


The processes of mass removal are recurrent geological processes and represent a latent threat in the State of Guerrero, due to its link whit extraordinary hydrometeorological events. In several studies that characterize these processes, Remote sensing techniques are applied, and the information is integrated through Geographical Information System (GIS). The model of susceptibility to mass removal processes included the interpretation of physical factors that intervene in these processes, which were characterized by different thematic maps. The final generation of the model consisted in the final accumulation of the individual contributions of each factor (Recondo, 2000; Hervas y Barredo, 2001: Hervas et. al., 2002), which represented a zoning by susceptibility index; the corroboration of the data was carried out through an inventory of lsndslides, generated through online image interpretation, applying the Google Earth tools. The results indicated that the model of susceptibility to mass removal processes allows to identify and effectively categorize the risk zone, in addition it was determined that the lithological, structural, topographic factors and the hydrometeorological events of September 2013, were the ones that caused the incidence of most recorded landslides.


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How to Cite
Romero-Rojas, W., Vázquez-Jiménez, R., & Ramos-Bernal, R. N. (2019). Susceptibility study to mass removal processes. Case study: Central zone of the State of Guerrero, Mexico, using geotechnological tools. Revista Cartográfica, (98), 201–221.
