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Valéria Oliveira Henrique de Araújo
María Ester Gonzalez Campos
Raquel Aparecida Abrahão Costa e Olivei


The present research proposes the assessment of the Data Viewer of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (VINDE) according to the usability parameters (effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction). Neither in the study, planning or implementation phase (requirements of specification, design and prototyping, development and customization), nor in the years that followed (operational portal) were done any specific study or usability test. Through a selfdeveloped methodology comprising a performance test in a predetermined time, as well as a subjective assessment questionnaire, the System Usability Scale (SUS), applied to a group of 20 geo-experts. To validate the methodology, a pilot test and a later performance test on VINDE have been carried out. The results and analyses evince the viewer is not easy to browse even for a group of geoinformation experts. It still has a number of issues to be improved concerning the organization, naming and structuring of its themes and layers, as well as enhancements in its tools and general layout for should be improved to satisfactorily meet the demands of its users. 


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How to Cite
Henrique de Araújo, V. O., Gonzalez Campos, M. E., & Abrahão Costa e Olivei, R. A. (2017). Usability: a study applied to the Spatial Data Infrastructure of Brazil (VINDE) viewer. Revista Cartográfica, (95), 43–61.
