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Fernanda León-Pazmiño
Rocío Narváez-Benalcázar


At present, the Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) have made available to all, through the Geoportals, a large amount of geographic information (GI), which until some years ago was very difficult to access. 
On the other hand, the technological revolution with which the children of the last decades have grown, have prepared them to learn in a different way and thus to take advantage of the resources in the Network that are available; However, the adequacy of the information found cannot always be guaranteed. 
With these premises in mind and aware of the importance of official geographic information, in the educational field, the Military Geographic Institute (IGM) of Ecuador launched a project called GEOEDUCA, which shows the experience of its development, implementation and use. This is dedicated to school students, as well as for teachers and parents providing access to the GI of the country. GEOEDUCA, named for its purpose of creation, is a sample of the various users that can have geoportals. 


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How to Cite
León-Pazmiño, F., & Narváez-Benalcázar, R. (2017). Geoportal of the education service in Ecuador: GEOEDUCA. Revista Cartográfica, (95), 171–177.
