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Alejandra Coll Escanilla
Fernando Pino Silva


The teaching of Geography currently has extraordinary conceptual, theoretical, methodological and technological support. Nevertheless, in the context of an increasingly inclusive society, a significant number of students of all levels and ages, as well as visually disabled people, have still been left on the margins of knowing the geography of their country. That knowledge is fundamental in the development of autonomy and safety in the handling and movement of people in space at local and general levels.
The Tactile Cartography Center (CECAT) of the Metropolitan Technological University of Chile has been concerned over the past few years with researching and developing proposals for the optimizing tactile cartography, considering that this instrument is still the only way to provide blind people or people with reduced vision, an approach, even a partial one, to knowledge of their local and regional spaces and to the possibility for them to create mental maps of their environment and their country.
From the experience gained in the research project "IPGH Nº CART01/GEOG02 2017:"Proposal for the standardization of tactile symbology for Latin America: Application in cartography for tourism", it was agreed to make progress in improving and standardizing the diverse, scattered and numerous symbologies used in tactile maps that are created in the various countries of Latin America. The use of conventional symbols in the topographic and regular cartography of the countries has greatly facilitated the use and good handling of this cartography. Although it is true that tactile cartography is fundamentally thematic, we are sure that an effort towards standardizing the multiplicity of symbols currently used will help the visually disabled to take in and absorb these symbols and thus to facilitate decoding them during the process of tactile handling of the cartographic models.


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How to Cite
Coll Escanilla, A., & Pino Silva, F. (2019). Optimization of the teaching of Geography through the standardization of Tactile Cartography (. Revista Cartográfica, (99), 31–50.
