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Adriana Gabriela Morales Delgado


The industrial complexes that handle dangerous products with flammable characteristics have been the cause of great misfortunes when sudden explosions are generated, either due to mechanical failures or human negligence. The Monteverde Gas Complex (MGC), located in the province of Santa Elena in Ecuador, represents a potential risk by housing close to 105,000 m3 of precursor gases such as Propane (PPN), Butane (BTN), and LPG finished product. Therefore, an analysis of the potential threat to which the population is exposed in case of the explosion of one of the tanks with the different products they contain has been carried out, considering the closest communes to the MGC, which are Monteverde and Jambelí. Tools such as the Probit method proposed by TNO (The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research), and the ALOHA software of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency, USA) were used, whose combinations allowed estimating the radius of influence, which were divided into zones according to the degree of impact on the community. The results demonstrated that the community of Monteverde, despite being more than 1 km away from the CGM, is within the red zone or high influence radius that corresponds to 2000 meters for propane and butane tanks. Whitin this area, a person could have fatal third-degree burns. The calculations have been performed under ideal conditions, so it is recommended to review the attenuations generated by natural elevations of the terrain or the direction of the wind in further studies


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How to Cite
Morales Delgado, A. G., Chunga Morán, K. A., & Toulkeridis, T. (2023). Potential Threat Assessment and Degree of Exposure in the event of an Explosion by Sudden Expansion of Boiling Liquid Vapor in the LPG Ground Storage Terminal in Monteverde, coastal Ecuador. Revista Cartográfica, (107), 73–94.
Author Biographies

PhD, Universidad Técnica de Manabí

Geólogo graduado en la Universidad de Guayaquil (UG). Premio UG por identificar primer depósito de Tsunami en el Ecuador. En el 2010 con beca ICTP, obtuvo su título de Doctor en Investigación y Ciencias Ambientales en la Universidad del Insubria Italia. Profesor Titular de Geología y Geotecnia en la Universidad Técnica de Manabí. Miembro de la Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Ingeniería Sísmica. Vice-Presidente CRIGMPAL. Director del Instituto de Investigación Geológico y Energético del Ecuador (IIGE).

PhD, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas - ESPE

Working at Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE in Ecuador. Main topics include Risk assessment, Natural heritage, Speleology, Volcanology, Geodynamics, Structural Geology, Cyber-defense among others
