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Rocío Narváez-Benalcázar
Fernanda León-Pazmiño
Miguel-Ángel Bernabé-Poveda
María Laura Rubio


The management of the country ́s territory is closely related to the Geographical Information (GI) available and its accessibility. These would be the fundamental principles of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) supported by a consolidated legal frameworN. In Ecuador, the National Geospatial Information Policy, established in 2010 by the National Council of Geoinformatics (CONAGE) is the legal frameworN that all institutions must comply with in the generation, update, use, distribution, delivery, exchange and sale of the country's geoinformation. With this bacNground, two questions arise: (a) What has been the degree of implementation of that legislation in state institutions? and (b) How has it influenced the implementation of institutional SDI? This article aims to respond to these concerns through a methodology of qualitative and quantitative analysis, established from the results of a diagnosis survey. The survey was applied to 20 public institutions responsible for the official GI generation. The results show the degree of compliance with those policies and major problems or deficiencies found in the application process over the last six years (2010-2016). 


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How to Cite
Narváez-Benalcázar, R., León-Pazmiño, F., Bernabé-Poveda, M.- Ángel, & Rubio, M. L. (2019). Evaluation of the National Geospatial Information Policies of Ecuador related to the implementation of institutional SDIs. Revista Cartográfica, (92), 53–69.
