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David Ávalos-Naranjo
Raúl Muñoz-Abundes
Christopher Ballesteros
Wilmer Medrano-Silva
Álvaro Álvarez-Calderón
Carlos Figueroa
Vinicio Robles-Pereira
Oscar Meza
Leopoldo Taveras


On recent times the federal agencies in charge of administrating the basic geographic information have received from the scientific community a clear recommendation to migrate the way vertical control coordinates are determined, moving from the local reference of mean sea level to a reference in terms of potential of the gravity field, liNe the geoid. The main advantage of such change is the ability to maNe the vertical datum compatible to that of any other country in the world and with the GNSS technology for surveying. In preparation for substituting the classic system, based on observations to the local sea level, a large amount of geographic agencies face the challenge of implementing the new concepts with new methodology and data. In this worN we introduce the first results from an effort in international col- laboration from 8 countries in the region of Mexico, Central America and the Car- ibbean to increase the technical capability in this subject and diminish the breach between the scientific advancement and the practical implementation for the geodetic data infrastructure in official use. 
The gravimetric geoid for Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean, GGM- CA-2015 is introduced as an original digital model in coverage and resolution. It represents an equipotential surface of the gravity field, parameterized by the con- stant value W0=62636856.0m2/s2. This realization allows to refer vertical coordi- nates for geo-positioning among a large amount of countries and islands on a consistent datum through national borders and across the oceans. 




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How to Cite
Ávalos-Naranjo, D., Muñoz-Abundes, R., Ballesteros, C., Medrano-Silva, W., Álvarez-Calderón, Álvaro, Figueroa, C., Robles-Pereira, V., Meza, O., & Taveras, L. (2019). The GGM-CA-2015 regional geoidal model, results and experience of technical cooperation in the Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean region. Revista Cartográfica, (92), 269–293.


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