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Jesús Javier Marín López-Pastor


The Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), understood as geographic information collected by volunteers, experienced or not, in an organized way, for collaborative applications or free licenses projects has become an alternative source of geographic information and its use is growing rapidly. Therefore, it is necessary to establish quality parameters to the VGI, in order to obtain a product confidence by consumers and businesses. The elements of the traditional quality established in the ISO 19113 standard, mark a guideline to follow, but do not meet the new implica- tions that entails VGI.  The paradigm shift introduced by Web 2.0, where the user goes from being a mere spectator of the information to be a content provider, shows the way to search for additional measures. Reliance on the contributions of volunteers turned into mapping producers depends on their acceptance by other users. Furthermore, expe- rience and involvement in the project will mark the reputation of volunteers. There- fore, volunteer’s trust and reputation are related each other becoming in new dimensions of quality specific to the VGI. 


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How to Cite
Marín López-Pastor, J. J. (2019). Trust of Voluntary Geographic Information (VGI). Revista Cartográfica, (91), 123–131.
