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Diego Randolf Perez
Daniela Ballari
Luis M. Vilches-Blázquez


Evaluation and indicators definition is an issue in the context of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). Previous studies have evaluated first and second generations of SDI in comparison to their planned or anticipated development. This is following an ex- ante approach. However, current SDI trends requires consideration of additional elements for a proper evaluation. The rise of mobile devices, sensors and the growing citizen collaboration are driven the SDI development to a third generation which demands interactive contents, frequently updates, real-time and participation. This paper proposes a system of indicators aimed at evaluating the performance of new SDI trends under an ex-post approach, i.e. after its development. The indicator system assesses two dimensions of management processes that occur in the GeoWeb: participation (through dialogue and empowerment) and dynamism. This work contributes to the improvement of existing SDI evaluation systems by integra- ting specific indicators for new technology trends.


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How to Cite
Randolf Perez, D., Ballari, D., & Vilches-Blázquez, L. M. (2019). Participation and dynamism in Spatial Data Infrastructures: a proposal of indicators to measure their impact on society. Revista Cartográfica, (91), 175–191.
