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Rafael Balbi Reis
Luiz Antonio Xavier
Maurício Krumbiegel
Alessandra Luiza Gouveia
Renata Curi de Moura E. Nagatomi
Leila Freitas de Oliveira
Marcelo R. de Albuquerque Maranhão


This paper has the aim to present the Continual Cartographic Base from Brazil on scale of 1:250.000 – BC250 inside the Permanent Program Updating from IBGE. This program consists in update and maintenance permanent of the whole Brazilian territory, this mean a strategy to subsidize the regions management and also contribute to studies that use environmental politics. These activities of updating require uses of satellite images, like Landsat, CBERS, RapidEye, digital elevation model, information from other institutions and field work. The incorporation of technologies like Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing in the systematic mapping contributed to developing of a base unique and integrated of the whole brazilian territory. The process of construction of BC250 began in 2008, the Brazil was split in parts for cont ract, and finished this mapping process in August of 2012. The first version of this continual vectorial base is available for consulting on the IBGE website <> since October of 2013 and in the National Infrastructure Spatial Data (INDE) website <> since December of 2013. This cartographic base is the first one to be produced in Brazil with the new standard of 

the Geospatial Data Vectorial Structure (EDGV) that contemplate a new structure of storage of geospatial data for integration with data of INDE. 


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How to Cite
Balbi Reis, R., Xavier, L. A., Krumbiegel, M., Gouveia, A. L., Nagatomi, R. C. de M. E., Freitas de Oliveira, L., & Albuquerque Maranhão, M. R. de. (2019). Continuous update program for continuous base 1: 250,000, a vision of the future. Revista Cartográfica, (90), 113–124.
