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David Avalos Naranjo
Carlos E. Figueroa
Wilmer Medrano Silva
Christopher Ballesteros
Vinicio Robles Pereira
Alvaro Alvarez Calderón
Leopoldo Tavera Polanco
Oscar Meza


The document shows a summary of the existing geodetic infrastructure in 8 coun- tries of Central America and the Caribbean. Through maps and tables it is offered updated concrete figures about the amount and location of the control networks in horizontal, vertical and gravimetric fields. The federal agencies in charge of esta- blishing the national official reference frame explain the technical characteristics of their infrastructure at the time of describing their vision to progress for satisfaction of users like surveyors and high precision cartographers. By analyzing the contents it has been identified a set of similarities and dis- crepancies in the degree of development of the infrastructure among countries. Currently the regional geodetic infrastructure has achieved an impulse enough to satisfy minimal operation requirements. As a coordinated group, the 8 agencies gather a significant set of control marks on the terrain and data bases in constant improvement. From a perspective based in world-wide trends, it can be said that the infrastructure needed for future requirements is compromised due to sympto- matic budget insufficiency, which in cases has driven to stop the progress in verti- cal and gravimetric branches. It is concluded making a recommendation to encourage the specialized training, from where the personnel in the geographic agencies can design custom projects of local extent, able to balance the progress in the three branches of geodetic control. 




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How to Cite
Avalos Naranjo, D., Figueroa, C. E., Medrano Silva, W., Ballesteros, C., Robles Pereira, V., Alvarez Calderón, A., Tavera Polanco, L., & Meza, O. (2019). A diagnosis of geodetic infrastructure in the Central American and Caribbean region. Revista Cartográfica, (89), 61–84.


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