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David S. Salisbury
Diego B. Leal
Andrea B. Chávez Michaelsen
Bertha Balbín Ordaya
A. Willian Flores de Melo
Pedro Tipula Tipula
Maria Luiza Pinedo Ochoa


Implementation of conservation and development in the Amazon borderlands requires effective transboundary coordination. Updated, readily understandable, and transboundary cartography becomes increasingly essential in Southwestern Amazonia as residents and decision makers attempt to mitigate the socio-environmental challenges and impacts in the borderlands. The lack of updated borderland cartog- raphy complicates the planning of development, integration, and conservation projects at a variety of different scales. The Transboundary Geographic Group of Southwestern Amazonia (GTASO) has created a network to continuously exchange geographic information, resulting in a June 2013 workshop and the creation of five transboundary thematic maps of the Amazon regions of Ucayali and Madre de Dios (Peru), Acre (Brazil) and Pando (Bolivia). These cartographic products allow the map reader to interpret the socio-environmental dynamics, and a range of conserva- tion and development projects being formulated in this environmentally, economi- cally, and socially sensitive region. The GTASO initiative identifies the cartographic challenges to be overcome to realize effective transboundary integration within Amazonia. 



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How to Cite
Salisbury, D. S., Leal, D. B., Chávez Michaelsen, A. B., Balbín Ordaya, B., Flores de Melo, A. W., Tipula Tipula, P., & Pinedo Ochoa, M. L. (2019). Cartography, corridors and cooperation: the search for cross-border solutions in the Amazonian borders. Revista Cartográfica, (89), 133–145.
