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Francisco Javier Ariza-López
Pablo Barreira González
Joan Masó Pau
Alaitz Zabala Torres
Antonio Federico Rodríguez Pascual
Gonzalo Moreno Vergara
José Luis García Balboa


Given the circumstance that the process for the revision of the international standard ISO 19157 is currently open, this article presents a critical reflection on its content, application and some challenges posed by the new types of data (e.g. big data, BIM data, etc.), that also have a geospatial component and to which, therefore, this international standard can be applied as well. Proposals are put forward going along three lines of improvement, on the one hand the consideration of new data quality elements and on the other, the reinforcement of the interoperability of this international standard with other standards related to data quality, and finally various improvements (e.g. standardization of evaluation methods, clearly introducing the life cycle, improvement of the definition of metaquality, etc.) of the standard, which come from experience.


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How to Cite
Ariza-López, F. J., Barreira González, P., Masó Pau, J., Zabala Torres, A., Rodríguez Pascual, A. F., Moreno Vergara, G., & García Balboa, J. L. (2020). Geospatial data quality (ISO 19157-1): evolve or perish. Revista Cartográfica, (100), 129–154.
