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Fabián García Hernández
Francisco Escobar Martínez


Despite the proven adverse effects that heavy metals (HM) cause on human health, their spatial distribution in Spain remains under studied. In order to alleviate this deficiency, the following objectives were set: (1) to know the spatial distribution, at local scale, of HM released into stream waters, (2) to estimate and map the danger of the spills according to their toxicity, (3) to compare HM emissions in Spain with-in the European context and (4) to estimate future evolution of HM spills. Data has been collected from the E-PRTR (European Pollutant and Transfer Register, 2007-2016) and the location of the emission points has been obtained by geocoding. After exploratory analysis, data were normalized and weighted, facilitating the interpretation of graphs, tables and cartography. Results show a higher concentration of emission points in the North (Asturias, Cantabria and Basque Country), Northeast (Catalonia), East-Southeast (Valencia) and South (Andalusia) sectors. After reviewing the effects of HMs on human health, they have been weighted in this order; mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), arsenic (As) and zinc (Zn). It has been verified that during the period 2007-2016, the quantities of PM discharged into the waters, far from decreasing, have fluctuated, adapting to economic transitions and persisting a greater concentration of discharges in the municipalities located in the northern, northeastern, southeastern and southern provinces.


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How to Cite
García Hernández, F., & Escobar Martínez, F. (2021). A cartographic approach to the analysis of heavy metal spills in Spain. Revista Cartográfica, (102), 7–26.
