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Ernesto Vargas PACHECO


Aquatic Landscape: Hearth of the Chontal Maya Water occupies an essential place for all the human groups, both in the past and in the present. The control of water was and is fundamental for human existence; water was an important aid for agriculture. On the other hand rivers, lagoons and coasts were of great importance for navigation and with it commerce was widely favored, making the Chontal Maya great navigators and merchants.The entire Mayan zone has often been generalized as a region lacking surface water and a seasonal deficit of rain, which he has led several authors to propose that towards the end of the late Classic period Mayan culture collapsed due to prolonged and intense droughts that resulted

privilégiées; ils survivent à la dévastation des sécheresses sévères, aux mauvaises récoltes, aux famines, aux épidémies, aux rébellions, aux guerres, etc. La rivière Candelaria et le cours inférieur de la rivière Usumacinta, la côte et les lagunes ont peut-être été accordés ce privilège parce qu'ils avaient une abondance d’eau. 

in the defeat of kingdoms and the abandonment of many cities.Since the Chontal Maya lived on the banks of rivers and lagoons, they were highly skilled hydrologists which allowed them to plan and design strategies for transforming rivers and shores in order to benefit their subsistence and transportation; they adapted themselves.Aquatic environments were and are privileged zones; they survive the devastation of severe droughts, of bad crops, famines, epidemics, rebellions, wars, etc. The Candelaria and lower Usumacinta rivers, the coast and lagoons were possibly privileged because they had plenty of water. 


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How to Cite
Vargas PACHECO, E. (2019). PAISAJE ACUÁTICO: HOGAR DE LOS MAYAS CHONTALES. Revista De Arqueología Americana, (34), 163–184.
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