Contenido principal del artículo

Patricia Solis
Jean Parcher Wintemute


Este artículo describe la visión estratégica del liderazgo de la Comisión de Geografía del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia durante los últimos ocho años, en coautoría con los Presidentes y Vicepresidentes 2014-2017 y 2018-2021, respectivamente. Al documentar las principales estrategias adoptadas por y a través de este equipo de liderazgo durante un contexto de cambio profundo, el artículo resume una justificación y los principales ámbitos de acción a través de la comisión, presentando en un nivel de detalle grueso sobre el trabajo de los comités y grupos de trabajo, e iniciativas conjuntas. El artículo reconoce los esfuerzos altamente participativos de las comisiones, los comités, los participantes y las partes responsables de los Proyectos de Asistencia Técnica de los Estados Miembros, señalando algunos de los logros destacados igual a los objetivos aun no realizados. Los autores también tienen como objetivo informar e inspirar al liderazgo futuro en el IPGH para aprovechar y mejorar esta trayectoria de manera estratégica.


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Cómo citar
Solis, P., & Parcher Wintemute, J. (2021). Liderazgo estratégico durante una era de cambio: los retos y avances de la Comisión de Geografía del IPGH, 2014-2021. Revista Geográfica, (163), 11–32.
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Biografía del autor/a

Patricia Solis, Arizona State University

Patricia Solís, PhD, is President of the Geography Commission of the Organization of American States PanAmerican Institute of Geography and History. She is co-founder and director of YouthMappers, a consortium of student-led humanitarian mapping chapters on 269 university campuses in 60 countries. The program creates and uses open, volunteered spatial data in collaboration with USAID, including projects to combat malaria in Africa, flooding in East Asia, hurricanes and earthquakes in Latin America and the Caribbean, rural electrification in West Africa and heat related deaths in Arizona. Solís is Executive Director of the Knowledge Exchange for Resilience at Arizona State University, an interdisciplinary effort to link multi-sector community needs with research innovations around resilience to economic shocks, social disruption, and environmental threats. She is an Associate Research Professor in the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning at ASU. Her disciplinary expertise centers on the application of participatory geospatial technologies for humanitarian, environment and development needs.

Jean Parcher Wintemute, Geographer, Emeritus, United States Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, United States of America

Jean Parcher Wintemute is currently the Vice President of the Geography Commission of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History (PAIGH).  Ms. Parcher has had a long career with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and with the Department of the Interior (DOI). Recently with her work with the DOI, she was in charge of the management of the "Land Cover for Climate" project (LC4Climate). This project aims to improve the capacity of developing countries to generate and / or update ground observation techniques to obtain information on changes in land use and land cover. The work focused on the countries of Africa and Southwest Asia. Previously, Ms. Parcher held the position of International Program Manager of the USGS Remote Sensing program including the USGS Landsat satellite system. She has held other positions in the USGS, including science lead for the US-Mexico Border Environmental and Health Initiative; and geospatial liaison between the federal, state and Texas communities for geospatial data. She holds a Master's Degree in Geography from the University of Texas and was a volunteer for the United States Peace Corps in Costa Rica, working with the Bribri indigenous people.
