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Luis Manuel Alva-Valdivia
Bernardo Ignacio García-Amador
Greybin Josué Borge-Castro
Elliet Pérez-Romero
Xochilt Esther Zambrana-Areas


This work describes the short stays training for field and laboratory work developed as part of a project with the objective of teaching about the solution of tectonic problems based on paleomagnetic and rock magnetic studies, both in Nicaragua and Mexico. This part of the project was performed with researchers from two pioneering geosciences institutions in each country: Instituto de Geofísica, Unam, Mexico, and Instituto de Geología y Geofísica, Unan Nicaragua. During the stays several activities of training, integration and exchange of knowledge were proposed and deployed, starting from field work, experimentation in laboratory and discussion of the first results obtained. The academic shared experience of the short stays has resulted in the current collaboration between both institutions and their researchers, as well as the approach of future stays addressing new challenges in geosciences. 


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How to Cite
Alva-Valdivia, L. M., García-Amador, B. I., Borge-Castro, G. J., Pérez-Romero, E., & Zambrana-Areas, X. E. (2019). Reseña de las estancias de trabajo paleomagnético en Nicaragua y México: adiestramiento para la resolución de problemas en tectónica de placas. Revista Geofísica, (66), 95–105. Retrieved from
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