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Toni E. Charfan
José P. Franceschini


In this paper approximate travel time it is applied to the P and S seismic waves, simulating the trajectory from the moment it leaves the source until the geophone anchored at different depths of the well, in the case of the P wave calculated delta anisotropy parameters (δ) and epsilon (ε ), that are useful for calculating NMO velocities, which is the speed considering the anisotropic medium and heterogeneity factor of the medium, while for the S wave anisotropy parameters to estimate are gamma ( γ) and sigma (σ ), likewise necessary to calculate speeds and heterogeneity factor as the equation of time travel it depends on the values above as appropriate. Starting from sonic logs and conducting an analysis of average speeds including an isotropic model is constructed and then obtain a correction function speeds so you can generate Pseudosónico values at several points taking into account the anisotropy of the medium. Once you do that, contour maps are constructed to define stratification, new travel times for comparison with actual and obtain new values of speed to generate new contour maps are calculated. 


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How to Cite
Charfan, T. E., & Franceschini, J. P. (2019). Simulación de perfiles sísmicos verticales (VSP) a partir de registros de velocidades de ondas P y SV en pozos petroleros. Revista Geofísica, (65), 53–66. Retrieved from
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