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Marta Orta


Near-surface Geophysics has recently found considerable applications, including engineering, archeology, hydrology, environmental and other more complex geo- physical surveys. The fact of having a powerful tool to accurately locate and re- move cultural elements, which could interfere the results or even attempt previous engineering work such as seismic explosions over terrain with underground pipe- lines of any nature (water, gas, power-line, etc.), represents a cost saving, enhanced safety and higher quality of the application. 

This type of study has been generally performed using electromagnetic methods. However, the introduction of new techniques both in geophysical instrumentation and survey systems, as well as new algorithms development for data processing, prove the use of Magnetic Gradient surveys to achieve this objective, been four times less expensive than electromagnetic surveys. 

The purpose of this paper is to present a new procedure of detection of cultural anomalies using a high-resolution Airborne Vertical Gradient survey. 


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How to Cite
Orta, M. (2019). Identification of Magnetic Anomalies Caused by Cultural Features. Revista Geofísica, (61), 47–57. Retrieved from
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