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Oscar Daniel Rivera González


The reason for doing the following research work is the generation of cartography and sufficient level of detail to generate some kind of prediction, approximately three to four meters error tolerance, based on control points taken with Positioning System Global (GPS), all this taking it to reality to be able to generate, prevention, attention, management or coordination, on the part of the authorities of the acaldías, state and federal, on the presence of human settlements allowed and not allowed , in urban areas north of the Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, in which, some degree of geophysical, geomorphological, geological or topographical vulnerability is observed, on the other hand the high level of marginalization on the part of the families, which inhabit these zones, located in mountain areas as they are; slopes, riverbeds or ravines, for what they are, a constant danger due to its pronounced degree of inclination and when some gravitational process occurs, it drags or carries the foundations of existing constructions and what is in its way, even more so in season of rains, seismic movements, collapses of mine roofs, landslides, which causes loss of human life. 
On the other hand, this results in an environmental deterioration around the original ecosystem and that was arbitrarily modified over the years, with this disarticulated urbanization regulated and not regulated by the Alvaro Obregon City Hall, since when this type was carried out of buildings in areas not suitable for habitability, including natural protected areas now urbanized, for the problems mentioned above, the vegetation cover is eliminated or replaced, observing the non-filtration of rainwater by the compaction of the soil in terms of the use of materials for construction and recently found in field work, pumice stone, which is very weak when it is hydrated.
Something of utmost importance, is that the people who live in these areas with some degree of vulnerability, fill or fill in some way, small cavities or mines with gravel material,  organic waste, solid waste or trash for leveling the soil, which it only increases and brings serious consequences, making it even more unstable.
It will try to solve the aforementioned, with the use of files type Raster extension TIFF, GEOTIFF and BIL, obtained from the website of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nasa): https: //vertex.daac.asf., and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (inegi):, based on these files, models of 3d prediction with the help of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and field


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How to Cite
Rivera González, O. D. (2020). Procesos gravitacionales en zonas de ladera, aplicándolos a modelos de predicción real con archivos raster y SIG, Alcaldía Álvaro Obregón, Ciudad de México. Revista Geofísica, (68), 41–59.
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