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Luis Andres Valenzuela Olivares
Gerardo Cabrera Sánchez


In the geographical descriptions of the Spanish cosmographers and chronicles of the 16th and 17th centuries, one can detect the first attempts at scientific theorizing about the empirical causes that explain the climate of the torrid and temperate zone of the New World, specifically for the southern hemisphere. In this way, in the works of Pedro Cieza de León and the Jesuits José de Acosta, Bernabé Cobo and Alonso de Ovalle, are presented the first indications of climatic principles deduced through experimentation and proposition of theories to explain the diverse climatic phenomenon observed in the New World. In this sense, these authors developed the first theories about precipitation, the moderating effect of the ocean, the vertical gradient of temperature and atmospheric pressure, and that they have not been sufficiently studied by current historiography.


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Valenzuela Olivares, L. A., & Cabrera Sánchez, G. (2022). The New World and the climate science: the contribution of the Spanish cosmographers and chroniclers in the 16th and 17th centuries. Revista De Historia De América, (164), 245–270.
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