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Juan Gonzalez Morfín


Fourteen months after Madero began his presidential term, in the first days of February 1913, a military uprising forced him to take refuge in the National Palace and from there seek the containment of the rebels. However, after nine days of street fighting, he was forced to resign as president to leave the door open to a succession with an air of legality in favor of General Victoriano Huerta, who had betrayed Madero and agreed with the insurgents to cease the fire in exchange for being the one who would occupy the first magistracy. This article presents a document that, because it was written by one of Madero's trusted men who accompanied him until the moment of his arrest, contains
little-known details about the last days of the president and the gestation of the events that precipitated his fall.


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Gonzalez Morfín, J. (2023). The Decena trágica narrated by one of President Madero’s companions. Revista De Historia De América, (166), 227–257.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)



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