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Elías J. Palti


The release of Foucault´s ¨"The Order of Things (1966) produced a real impact on the French intellectual scene. It is a peculiar work. Not only because it talks about things that philosophers do not normally talk about, indeed most of them ignore. The very project of an archaeology of knowledge is difficult to locate in the scholarly milieu, given its problematic disciplinary inscription, at the intersection between philosophy and history, departing symmetrically from the prevailing frameworks in both areas. This essay seeks to show in what sense Foucault's analysis of the various epistemic frameworks within which thought unfolded, marked a break vis- à-vis the tradition of the history of ideas, paving the way for a much more precise understanding of the differences among the different conceptual systems, the transformations in our ways of understanding reality.


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Palti, E. J. (2023). Archaeology of knowledge and intellectual history. Beyond Structuralism and Phenomenology. Revista De Historia De América, (166), 9–30.
  • Abstract
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