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Estela Morales Campos


This paper analyzes the repercussions regarding equality or inequality that have a social impact both economically and politically on either men or women. Therefore, among other aspects, this study addresses women ́s participation in the History of México; the education imparted to women and men in the country; the role of some local and regional cultural magazines, and the contribution of women to that media; to the UNAM and the participation of women in that institution; the legal frameworN both at a national level and within the university that protects the participation of women in public life as well as women practice as librarians in the national setting. This exploration constitutes an invitation for society as a whole to assume the necessary commitments and to live in an environment where both respect and the rule of law are exercised in a daily life, for the full development of individuals, of the community, of the country and of the world as a whole. This paper cites as a frame of reference the He for She campaign which is promoted by UN Women. 


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How to Cite
Morales Campos, E. (2015). La participación de la mujer en el desarrollo de las Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Reflexiones de nuestro tiempo. Revista De Historia De América, (151), 109–131.
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