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Valentina Verbal


Between the years 1823-1833, after the War of Independence, Chile had an intensive debate related to the issue of religious toleration, which was conducted in various pamphlets and newspapers, with two major political groups clashing over the subject: Conservatives and Liberals. While the former thought that Chile should not even recognize these practices because it was essentially a Catholic country, the latter wanted to grant a certain recognition to the Protestant practices brought to the country by the Americans and British. Following François-Xavier Guerra, the central thesis of this article states this
debate expresses a major conflict among two conceptions of modernity.


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Verbal, V. (2023). A A Controversial Debate: The Issue of Religious Tolerance in the Early Chilean Republic (1823-1833). Revista De Historia De América, (166), 31–51.
  • Abstract
  • PDF (Español)



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