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María Viviana Paglialunga


Considered by its inhabitants to be one of the oldest towns in colonial Paraguay, the city of San Roque González de Santa Cruz (formerly Tavapy, Paraguay) lacks a written history supported by historical research. In isolation, mentions of its origin as a foundation carried out by Domingo Martínez de Irala are found in the bibliography. The main objective of this article arises from this problem, which aims to develop a historical construction of the origins of Tavapy. The specific objectives focus on conducting a search in the bibliography on mentions of the origin or foundation of Tavapy; link the origin of Tavapy with the objectives of conquest and colonization in the region; prepare a chronology of Irala’s presence in Tavapy in the time frame of its foundation and compare the data obtained.

The research carried out is historical, exploratory and descriptive and the synthetic analytical methodology guides the work. The main limitation of this research is the lack of original documents from the time, and only the mention of one of them in the bibliographic sources. The relevance of this study lies not only in the current importance of undoing established myths about the official reading of the colonization processes in Paraguay, but also in being able to provide historical identity to towns like San Roque, whose origin was involved in the story. officer of the conquest detached from the true process of subjugation of tribes during the first stage of the conquest. The review and analysis of both classic and current bibliographic sources of the colonial history of Paraguay allows us to confirm that the origin of the people of Tavapy is the result of the subjugation of the indigenous groups and later, of royal grants given to the conquerors and not the result of a foundation.


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Paglialunga, M. V. (2024). Tavapy founded people or subjected people? Historical construction of the origin of Tavapy, Paraguay, in the 16th century. Journal of the History of the Americas, (168), 9–37.
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