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Marco Antonio Samaniego


In Regeneración, the anarchists of the Mexican Liberal Party, from 1911 to 1918, called on the American and European proletariat to carry out a world revolution that would end capitalism and all forms of authority. Their intention was to make them aware that they would expropriate all the means of production, so they stayed in Los Angeles, California, where they had the conditions to edit Regeneración and have multiple contacts with the acrat press in the United States and Europe. Based on the aforementioned publication, it is shown that they conceived their activity as part of the anarchist revolutionary struggle that had already begun in Mexico and sought the help of the workers of the world, both to arrive in our country and to expand expropriations in the world.

The anarchists of the Mexican Liberal Party (PLM) have been analyzed as part of the revolutionary process in Mexico. From that angle, a series of statements about his performance have been made, which have become a common space about his revolutionary intentions. However, their insistent call for world revolution is not addressed, forcing a more complex interpretation that does not adhere to the limited explanations that emerged in the post-revolution.


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How to Cite
Samaniego, M. A. (2021). Precursors of the world revolution. Revista De Historia De América, (160), 241–274.
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