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Eduardo Merlo


The greatest city of Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco was located within a enormous lake that covered an entire basin in the Central Mexican Plateau. It built on the basis of artificial platforms supported on the trunks of certain local trees called ahuejotes, wich were embedded at the bottom of the lacustrine and thus propitiated urban growth with that peculiar and unsual technique that   its inhabitants learned from de south towns of the basin. They layout of the streets and blocks aligned from east to west and from north to south, allowed the streets, that were really Canals, to be cleaned and sanitized thanks to the intense weaves. It was very important to establish the means of communication whit the shores of the lake, that is, with the mainland. In effect they built in the same way as the extensive plaforms, three large roads that had “cortaduras”, that is, opened parts to allow lacustrine communicaction, in addititon to others access roads.


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Merlo, E. (2022). The layout and roads of Mexico-Tenochtitlan and Tlatelolco. American Anthropology, 7(14), 103–123.
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An anthropological vision of the Mexico's Conquest. The defense of Tenochtitlan
