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Andrea Meza Torres


This book deals with a very relevant topic in two senses. First, in a historical and epistemological sense -for example, in the legal sciences, anthropology, sociology or political science- and, second, in a social sense, since it is also aimed at a broad and diverse public (non-specialists) who, in today's Mexico, have realized that the issue of religion and the secular state has been positioned and staged from the center of political power. This has happened since the presidential campaign of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the beginning of the 4T government. In this way, a very complex arena of debate has been opened, detonated from contemporary Mexican politics which, as already mentioned, does not only involve specialists but also diverse sectors of the population interested in this subject. The book was published at a crucial moment, bringing together some of the most important pieces of a puzzle that seemed impossible to assemble.


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How to Cite
Meza Torres, A. (2023). Garma, Carlos; Corpus, Ariel; Ramírez, María del Rosario (Coords.) (2021). Religión y política en la 4T. Debates sobre el estado laico. American Anthropology, 8(15), 215–231.
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