The Editorial Ethics Policies of Revista Cartográfica consider the following items:

  • Authorship and contribution
  • Complaints and appeals
  • Conflicts of interest and competing interests
  • Data exchange and reproducibility
  • Ethical monitoring
  • Intellectual property
  • Post-publication discussions and corrections
  • Authorship and contribution

The authors must declare in written some aspects:

  1. that the content of the manuscript is original and corresponds to a study not previously published.
  2. that they also exercise ownership over it in its moral and patrimonial aspect.
  3. that it will not be submitted to any other journal or similar medium before knowing the result of peer review, establishing the commitment not to withdraw it and not send it to another journal or similar medium until the internal editorial process of the Revista Cartográfica concludes.
  4. that they have no conflict of interest with the institution where the investigation was carried out or with another similar entity or company.

Download from here an originality letter template

  • About complaints and appeals

Revista Cartográfica has presented in another section the rules of good editorial practices for authors, editors and peer reviewers. In the event that controversies arise between the aforementioned actors, the journal has the necessary channels to present the complaints and appeals involved in the editorial processes.

If there is any complaint from our readers, they should send it to the Editor of the journal The letter must be duly argued and justified. The journal Editor will examine the arguments, and if it has the elements, it will give an answer and a solution to it. If the case merits it, the legal processes, COPE and the Federal Copyright Law of México will be followed.

  • On conflicts of interest and competing interests

Conflict of interest occurs when an author (or their institution), peer reviewers, or editors have financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) their actions. The authors must disclose the relationships or reasons that could represent a conflict of interest in the Non-Conflict Letter.

Authorship conflicts arise when there is no agreement on the type of authorship contribution: shared authorship, undeserved authorship, authorship dispute and ghost authorship.

  • Shared authorship is that in which researchers from different disciplines who have contributed to a multidisciplinary investigation participate. In these cases, the order of appearance of the authors must be agreed upon and indicated in writing.
  • Undeserved or honorary authorship is that which is granted without the author having contributed substantially to the design and writing process or without having participated with any significant contribution to the intellectual content.
  • The authorship dispute arises when a researcher claims full or partial authorship of the content of a published article. The editor must manage this problem by informing the author or authors, requiring them to make a consensual and motivated decision. If this does not occur, the editor must request the intervention of the institution to which the authors belong to resolve the conflict.
  • Ghost authorship or denial of authorship consists of not including as an author a person who has contributed substantially to the research or writing of the article. It is the opposite case of undeserved or honorary authorship. 

  • On data exchange and reproducibility

The author(s) may freely share their work as published in Revista Cartográfica on the personal website, institutional repository or on social and academic networks that are of interest to them. To do this, they must provide the DOI of the document as a complete URL.

The author(s) retain(s) their moral and patrimonial rights over the work at all times. The work cannot be altered, transformed or enlarged. The authorship of the referenced document must always be acknowledged. None of the modalities of the documents published in Revista Cartográfica have commercial purposes of any nature. Likewise, all the journal issues and the texts that comprise them are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

  • Ethical surveillance

In order to guarantee a harmonious relationship between the parties involved and guarantee the quality of the contents, Revista Cartográfica urges authors, reviewers, as well as members of the Committee and Editorial Team, to maintain the highest standards of intellectual and scientific integrity. .

In case of suspicion of plagiarism, invented or falsified data in a manuscript, authorship issues and unmanifest conflicts of interest, the Editorial Committee will follow the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  • Intellectual property

Research, review, and theoretical articles, reviews, case reports, translations, and special editions are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license.

The author retains at all times their moral and patrimonial rights over the work. The work cannot be altered, transformed or enlarged. The authorship of the referenced document must always be acknowledged. None of the formats of the documents published in Revista Cartográfica have commercial purposes of any nature.

People interested in making a publication in Revista Cartográfica must make a declaration of No Conflict, stating that the content of the manuscript is original and corresponds to a previously unpublished study; that the author(s), in exercise of ownership in its moral and patrimonial aspect of the document, will not submit it to any other magazine or similar medium before knowing the result of the ruling of the Editorial Committee; and that the author has no conflict of interest with the institution where the research was carried out or with another instance or similar company.

Once the author receives the positive ruling and their document is approved for publication, the author must sign an Use License letter in which the author, or authors, will grant the Revista Cartográfica the (non) exclusive license to editing, public communication and reproduction in its electronic medium, accepting the rules of editing, presentation, correction and all those aspects pertinent to disclosure.

It is important to clarify that:

  • the author or authors retain their moral and patrimonial rights over the work at all times
  • the work cannot be altered, transformed or enlarged
  • the authorship of the referred document must always be recognized
  • none of the formats of documents published in Revista Cartográfica have commercial purposes of any nature. 

  • Post-publication discussions and corrections

Revista Cartográfica guarantees the written analysis and discussion of the articles that have already been published, between the Editor and the author, as well as between the Editor and the readers. This in order to ensure the means to correct, review or withdraw articles after publication. The preferred means for post-print communication between authors and editors is the one enabled in the journal system (OJS) in the discussions section.

Extension of Ethics and Negligence Statement

To establish the guidelines of the code of ethics and good editorial practices, the Revista Cartográfica is governed by the Federal Copyright Law of Mexico, and adapts the international standards published by:

This in order to guarantee transparency both in the publication of contributions and in the associated conflict resolution procedures. Also, use Ithenticate software will be used to detect plagiarism. All documents received will be submitted for review.