Articles and reviews will be sent only in digital format through this link. Therefore, it is necessary that the author is registered correctly and has a username and password.

The text files will be sent in Word format with the prescribed specifications according to each type of contribution (Articles and Reviews)

The article must be the product of an original and unpublished research. The submission commits the author not to submit it for consideration by other publications until a decision is taken.

To ensure the blind evaluation of the article, the file must be sent without data or metadata that allows the identification of the author. Name, affiliation, email or funding body should not be included in the document. This data is collected separately on the OJS platform, when the metadata is to be entered. It is requested to fill out the following fields of the form corresponding to Authorship and collaborators: Name /s and Surname/s, contact (e-mail), country, ORCID identifier and institutional affiliation.
Documents that do not meet the anonymity requirements will be removed from the evaluation process.

The review of the articles includes the use of Ithenticate antiplagiarism software.

Articles must have a maximum length of 25 pages, including figures, tables and bibliography.

Structure of the Articles, in the following order:

  • Title of the work in the original language
  • Title of the work in the second language (in English for articles in Spanish, Portuguese or French). For articles in English, the title in Spanish will be indicated.
  • Abstract (100-300 words) and key words (3-5) in the language in which the article is written
  • Abstract (100-300 words) and key words (3-5) in the second language (in English for articles in Spanish, Portuguese or French). For articles in English, the abstract in Spanish will be included.
  • Text of the article, with tables and figures.
  • The body of the text will preferably follow the structure: introduction, methodology, results and discussion of results and conclusions.
  • Bibliography in APA format 6th-7th edition

Figures and tables should be located within the text. The figures must be sent separately in JPG or PNG format, with a resolution of at least 300 dpi / dpi (or higher according to the size of the figure) without compression and in color. For the paper version they will be modified to grayscale, provided it does not affect the correct communication of the information.

The citations and bibliographic references will be made according to the APA Standards. The use of bibliographic reference managers, such as Zotero o Mendeley.

Download Microsoft Word file with the specifications for Articles

Reviews will have a maximum length of 8,000 characters with spaces included, and must include the following information:

  • Name and surname of the author of the book (direction / coordination, if applicable)
  • Title of the work
  • Year, city and publisher
  • No. of pages
  • ISBN or DOI, as appropriate.
  • Name and Surname of the author of the review
  • Review text

Download Microsoft Word file with specifications for Review

Authorship and contribution

The authors must declare in written some aspects:

  1. that the content of the manuscript is original and corresponds to a study not previously published.
  2. that they also exercise ownership over it in its moral and patrimonial aspect.
  3. that it will not be submitted to any other journal or similar medium before knowing the result of peer review, establishing the commitment not to withdraw it and not send it to another journal or similar medium until the internal editorial process of the Revista Cartográfica concludes.
  4. that they have no conflict of interest with the institution where the investigation was carried out or with another similar entity or company.

Download from here an originality letter template

See Statement of ethics and negligence