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Vicente Bielza de Ory


An analysis of the successful European experience with spatial planning based on the objectives in the 1983 European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter and defined in the 1999 European Territorial Strategy subtitle: “Towards the balanced and sus- tainable development of the European Union Territory”. To that end, the following guidelines were used from a systemic and functional conception of territory: “The development of a balanced and polycentric system of cities and the creation of a new relationship between urban and rural areas; the promise of equal access to infrastructure and knowledge; sustainable development, smart management and the safeguarding of nature and cultural heritage”. Possible application is considered for Peru in a functional subdivision of the territory, from the areas of influence of the system of cities which should guide the regionalization of the State to make plan- ning more efficient, aided by a connective system. Said subdivision should, in order to follow the third guideline, be carried out jointly with homogenous land use zon- ing in which protection is harmonized and productive use is not tyrannized. Exist- ing Economic Ecological Zoning (ZEE in Spanish) in Peru may serve as an instrument for said purpose if based on adequate cartography and soil assessment. The paper reviews the European experience with coordination and competencies conflicts amongst administrations, coordination with other agents and citizen partic- ipation. Lastly, the environmental system in European plans consider key points such as natural resources, natural and anthropic risks, waste disposal and natural- cultural protected areas. The creation of French regional natural parks and cultural parks in Aragon or the consideration of landscape and protected areas as territory invariants may serve to guide planning activities in Peru. 


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Cómo citar
Bielza de Ory, V. (2019). Organización y ordenamiento del territorio. Desarrollo y sostenibilidad. Experiencia europea para el Perú. Revista Geográfica, (152), 83–103. Recuperado a partir de
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