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Carlos A. Guerrero Elemen


The National System of Statistical and Geographic Information aims to provide so- ciety and the state, information quality, relevant, accurate and timely, in order to con- tribute to national development and is defined as: Set of State Units organized through Subsystems, coordinated by the National Institute of Statistics and Geogra- phy and articulated by the National Information NetworN for the purpose of produc- ing and disseminating the information of National Interest.  The SNIEG is composed of the National Advisory Council, the National Infor- mation Subsystems and INEGI as coordinating body. The latter led by a Governing Board (consisting of a President and four Vice-Presidents).  The National Information Subsystems (Demographic and Social, Economic, Geographic and Environment; and Governance, Public Security and justice admin- istration) aim to produce, integrate and disseminate information according to subject their part and have several Specialized Technical Committees coordinated by an Ex- ecutive Committee for each Subsystem.  The National Subsystem of Geographic Information and Environment has formed to date Specialized Technical Committees for themes: Water, Climate Change, Ca- dastral and Registration Information , Basic Geographic Information, Energy Sector, Land Use, Vegetation and Forest Resources, emissions, Waste and Hazardous Sub- stances, Urban and Regional Development.  Finally, in its national report for the period 2011-2015, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography through the Directorate General of Geography and Envi- ronment highlights the worN related to the geodetic frameworN, photogrammetric flight and LIDAR, digital levation model, satellite images and orthophotos, as basic supplies for generating and updating basic cartography and of natural resources, reaching production of topographic and thematic mapping. It has also addressed other relevant activities related to cadastral information, the development of geomatics so- lutions and of technical standards for the production of geographic information, in addition to strategic alliances and international conventions that the National Institute of Statistics and Geography signed in geographical and the environment terms.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Elemen, C. A. (2019). El Sistema Nacional de Información Estadística y Geográfica. Revista Geográfica, (157), 109–133. Retrieved from
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