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Arnobio Germán Poblete
Juan L. Minetti
Daniela Adelina Iranzo


It is being investigated how the hydrology in the Central Andes of Argentina and Chile in the snowy wintery period responds to climatic forces of the regional at- mospheric circulation and of the interaction ocean-atmosphere. The parameters used for the studies included the Reanalysis I, an index employed by the interna- tional climatological community, and others constructed by ourselves. What is being attempted to measure are the impacts of such conditioning factors in the hy- droclimatic variability of the region, the significance of the incidence of each of them in the atmospheric and oceanic agents that influence in the supply of liquid water and snow in the area, the role of the sources of humidity and the precipitant mechanisms that intervene. 

Significant correlations between a variety of factors and agents of precipitation have been found, being the SST in the area Niño 3+4, the activity of the South Pacific anticyclone and the west winds, among others, worth mentioning. These were especially validated with data from the Reanalysis I. 


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How to Cite
Poblete, A. G., Minetti, J. L., & Iranzo, D. A. (2019). Variabilidad del clima asociado con la precipitación y caudales de ríos en los Andes Centrales, Sudamérica. Revista Geográfica, (154), 91–113. Retrieved from
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