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Rita Delfina Vincenti


The vast Chaco plain, which is situated in the Northeast of Argentina, is a large sedimentation basin in subsidence that began to be formed in the Paleozoic Era and even today is still changing. The Tapenagá river basin is located within the men- tioned plain, more precisely in the Eastern Chaco plain. It has a lower slope, with flooding and slow linear surface runoff that also makes a difficult delimitation, plus medium to few permeability muddy soils under the action of an oscillating climate together with diverse vegetation growth. All of them establish the dynamics of its basin which is highly controversial because it suffers from drought and flooding problems; these have the same magnitude and in many occasions have generated real catastrophes. Managing it is not an simple issue as it would have to compare drought and flood pulses in common periods with the usage the man does of its waters; by which it could be advisable to integrate each of the Eastern Chaco and Santa Fe plains together with all water networks interconnection or either by apply- ing a mathematical model to achieve a water system optimization tending to a sus- tainable development.


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Vincenti, R. D. (2019). Características ambientales propias de la cuenca del Tapenagá, en la Llanura Chaqueña Oriental. Necesidad de integración para su optimización. Revista Geográfica, (153), 55–90. Retrieved from
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