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Silvia Falasca
María Angélica Bernabé


The borage (Borago officinalis) appears as a world level crop because from their seeds an oil which contains linoleic acid employed as dietary supplement and apt to produce biodiesel can be extracted. 

The aim of the present work was to identify the geographical area apt for the growth of the borage in Argentina. The thermic and hydric limits of its native place were considered to define its agroclime in Argentina. 

Then, agroclimatological indexes using information from the climatic data base of the Climate and Water Institute of INTA during the period 1971-2000, were calcu- lated. After the maps for each agroclimatic index was elaborated, that area resulting from the superposing of all them, defined the agroclime of the specie in Argentina. 

To obtain oil with high content of linoleic acid the borage will have to be culti- vated in latitude not below to -38 L. Out of that environment, they appear appropri- ate areas with water deficiency which could be irrigated for food destination. 

If bad quality oil is obtained because of high the temperatures occurring during the reproductive stage it still could be used as biodiesel.


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How to Cite
Falasca, S., & Bernabé, M. A. (2019). El cultivo de la borraja (Borago officinalis) en Argentina, como suplemento dietético o productora de aceite para uso industrial. Revista Geográfica, (151), 31–46. Retrieved from
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