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Paulo Roberto Baqueiro Brandão


This text comes from a questioning: What are the methodological paths towards the development of a proposal of community tourism in small village coming from the biocultural patrimony activation and under the inspiration of the Buen Vivir as a life philosophy and territorial praxis? Upon this enquiry, it is aimed to present a methodological proposal for the implementation of the community tourism initiative as of the cerrado’s biocultural patrimony activation, regarding the possibility of its execution in Penedo, a locality in the county of São Desidério (Brazil). For this purpose, the article follows a guideline that conveys the need to (a) develop a concept-theoretical framework which will orient the work of investigation-intervention to be developed, (b) characterize the location which is object of this cooperative action and (c) point out the research tools regarding the identification of local territorialities and temporalities, as well as the identification of main risks and problems that affect the village of Penedo, its main causes and effects.


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How to Cite
Baqueiro Brandão, P. R. (2020). Activation of the biocultural heritage of the cerrado and community tourism: methodological notes from the case of Penedo (Sao Desidério, Bahia, Brazil). Revista Geográfica, (161), 83–100.
  • Abstract
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